Is your home ready for the oncoming rainy season? If not, get prepared to check for and carry out essential repairs to your drainage system. Start with the rain gutters which help to drain water from your roof and direct it away through connected pipes. The objective is to prevent water from getting to the foundation of your house. Damaged gutters are a big no-no while well maintained gutters prevent future costly repairs to the roofing structure.
Here are some of the critical repair areas that require keen attention:
Are leaking gutters a cause for worry? Leaks seem harmless at the onset. After all, these are only a few drops. Exposure to extreme hot and cold conditions result in cracks that eventually cause water leaks. If you fail to repair them in good time, the roof drainage structure will eventually rot. Leaking water will slowly seep into the walls and could end up damaging the foundation. So why keep making excuses? Why not just fix the leak as soon as possible?
Missing or loose parts
When did you last examine your gutters? If you have not checked in recent times, make a point lest you find some components are missing. A snowstorm or heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds may loosen parts of the gutter system. At times wind carries away the loose parts leaving your house exposed. If left unchecked, rainwater spills near the building and could destroy your landscape.
Are you aware that debris and dust accumulate and block water flow? Unless quickly addressed, the trapped dirt and stagnant water becomes too heavy for the structure which can cause the drain to break off from the fascia fastening. Take advantage of the season break and have a professional clean-up the system.
Poor drainage
Are your downspouts draining water near the foundation of your house? Carry out an inspection, and if that is the case, urgent intervention will be required. Downspouts should discharge water several feet away from the base. Such a design prevents water from seeping into your basement. Request an expert to install extensions to at least four feet.
Improper pitching
The team that installed gutters on your roof may have failed to get the pitching right. What effect does poor pitching have? The trough should have a slope at a ratio of a quarter inch per 10 feet. Failure to effect this leaves the gutter with standing water whenever it rains. If left in that state, the water could cause more destruction that would be expensive to repair.
Gutters keep your house structurally intact. Since the installation is external, it takes a daily beating from weather elements such as the sun, wind, and hail. Cracks cause leakages and are common in most gutters. Loose parts fall off leaving the walls prone to damage. Clogs allow little or no space for water flow and eventually the troughs sag. Poorly installed downspouts fail to discharge water correctly while incorrect pitching results in standing water. All these are gutter ‘blackspots’ that you must check every so often.